Who we are

Encore! started with a meeting of musical minds in early 2022 - and we’ve already had some great achievements under our belt, including wading through mountains of bureaucracy to get established as a Verein, selling out our first show (Musicals Through The Ages), finding a permanent home, expanding the group, and kicking off the audition and rehearsal process for not one, but two full stage musicals! It’s been a busy year and we have seen so much growth. But this is just the beginning, and as we look to the future we only see more exciting things! Along with establishing an even stronger network of members and friends of the Verein, we look to continue to provide the Berlin community with top tier entertainment.

What we do

Put simply, we do all things Musical Theatre! We meet weekly to rehearse, always with the goal of our next fabulous performance in mind! Our current format consists of producing a smaller and a larger show each year along with various other performances throughout the calendar year. To keep things fresh and build repertoire, our members also participate in monthly internal challenges - previous challenges have included "ballads vs comedies", "miscast" and "acting through duets". We're always busy and always have something in the works - the best way to know what’s coming up is to be connected to our Instagram or Facebook.

Our goals

Encore! is Berlin's first foreign language musical theatre Verein, formed because we believe that musical theatre is of irreplaceable value for intercultural encounters and the intercultural cohesion of our population, especially in multi-cultural centers like Berlin. Participating in musical theatre provides a community, support system and sense of belonging, which has been especially important during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our key goals are to promote intercultural interaction and serve the community of Berlin with original language Musical Theatre performances, while offering a place of acceptance, friendship and belonging to all members of the Berlin community, regardless of their gender identity, sexuality, race, religion, age, body type, neurotype, accessibility needs, or experience level.

It’s exciting being a part of something that just keeps growing, and getting better
— Matt

Our Board

  • Hannah Savory


    Hannah has more hats than the average person, and wears several at once as part of Encore!. As resident MD, she can usually be found scribbling on scores, waving her hands enthusiastically at the group or adding harmonies to stuff just for the hell of it. On top of that, Hannah is Encore!'s Chairman (responsible for providing leadership and direction and ensuring that the Vorstand fulfils its responsibilities for the success of the Verein) occasional cast member, sometime director AND owner of Encore!'s team mascot, @stellathetrex.

  • Kristin Knillman


    As Encore! e.V.s Vice Chair and Partnerships Manager, Kristin gets to make friends with all the cool people across town, which is quite the upgrade from being the odd one out back in school. Collecting relationships like Pokémon cards, she networks with other associations, creatives and, to raise funds, with the occasional generous person (which is as rare a breed as a shiny Mewtu). Kristin’s also our resident onboarding champ, making sure new members feel warm and fuzzy to be part of the group. The token German on the board, she's ready to 1UP any necessary bureaucracy.

  • Matthew Canham


    Born at a young age, Matt grew up in the land of the downunder - Australia, Melbourne specficially. Apart from neverending riffs, he contributes his professional motion design animation and graphic design expertise to make Encore look the way it does. After a stint in London, Matt decided to get back into musical theatre when he moved to Berlin and is excited to see this group develop into the success that it is today.

  • Tanya De Boer


    With the important role of keeping the spotlights on and costumes on our backs, Tanya, the Treasurer we treasure, is responsible for the Money, Money, Money. She can’t give you a straight answer as to whether she’s Australian or Irish, but she will definitely give you a straight answer if you want to go over budget! The reluctantly appointed “team Mum” is always thinking two years ahead, to make sure our Verein is always making the best choices for the future.

  • Kyra Jacques-Grundy


    Our token Canadian, Kyra is more organised than you, and she will make note of that. Coming from a dance background, she's often spotted teaching our group iconic moves such as "telling a secret" and "sexy cockatoo" (ask an Encore member). And because she's a woman who can really do it all, she's often helping out with our social media, including posting the thirstiest stories 😈

We are Encore!

Some of our talented members!

Where we’re from

In vocal groups



















English musical theatre Berlin